The Road to MND MTR

I was sitting on a dimly lit pier in New York City on a warm summer night in 2021. I would go for evening walks and sit out on the pier and read to escape the chaos for a bit. On this particular night I had brought a new book with me — The Wim Hof Method by Wim Hof. As I began reading his theories and buying into his ideology that our bodies are capable of healing themselves, I found myself rifling through the pages. I wasn’t quite ready to adopt all of his practices into my life, however, since I was still on a path of anger, depression, and addiction; but I wanted to know what this healing could look like for me.

Let me backtrack for a second…

When I went to college in 2015, I had no idea what I wanted to do or be; I just knew I wanted to gain enough knowledge where I could be in a position to help people. So I decided to major in Biology and pursue a pre-med course load. Much of this desire to help people through medicine was born from my childhood experiences. When I was 14 years old my brother was in a tragic drowning accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury. I watched him work with numerous doctors, surgeons, therapists, and nurses over the years and grew very familiar with the healthcare system. Naturally, I believed healthcare was the proper way to honor my brother and help others as well.

During my senior year of college things changed as I grew interested in sales. Following graduation, I got a job in medical device sales working for a large corporation and I would work for them for the next three years. I was blessed with lots of success in my early career and many great mentors in my journey who truly cared about me and my development.

What I found in my early career, though, and what led me to the point of being the lost young man reading books on a dimly lit pier:  the more I chased and the more I accomplished, the larger the emptiness inside of me seemed to grow.

In all of my great endeavors, academic achievements, athletic accomplishments, and professional milestones — I realized I was just running away from myself. I didn’t want to address the traumas from my childhood; I wasn’t willing to love myself and live authentically; I didn’t know how to truly connect with others. I’d rather hide behind my masks and a bottle.

A few months after reading Wim Hof’s book, I found myself in a dual diagnosis rehab to finally get help for the first time. I needed the help before I could give it to anybody else. I would wake up early each morning, meditate, practice yoga, run up and down a hill 30 times, and then take a cold shower. I didn’t WANT to do any of these things, but it improved my mood and crippling anxiety at the time — so I kept doing it. Maybe Wim is onto something here…

I moved back to Delaware County in 2022 with the desire to begin anew and discover what was in store for me. Although I was unsure of my career path at the time, the interest in holistic healing remained very alive in my daily routine. My friends and I would regularly visit a Russian Bath House to share evenings of relaxation and contrast therapy. During the winter months, I would seek out local streams to perform my “nature plunging” — meditation followed by cold plunging in a natural body of water.  One of the most powerful experiences I had was on a men’s retreat in the Summer of 2023. We performed several Native American ceremonies including a traditional Sweat Lodge, which evoked deep emotional and spiritual experiences within me.

Photo of my “nature plunge” in Grand Teton National Park (Wyoming).

I slowly realized all these different holistic therapies not only improved my physical body but drastically strengthened my mental and emotional well-being too. The focus of healing and love remained on me for once… and I was reaping the benefits.

The desire to start my own business resided within me for many years. Since leaving Manhattan, I knew this was something I would eventually do; but I wanted to wait for the universe to show me what to create. After experimenting with a few new careers, I had a sense it was time to take the leap and begin building MND MTR Wellness. I was solid in my foundation and I wanted to bring the tools I had learned to others. The desire to help others will always be ingrained within me — but it comes from a place of self-love and authenticity today.

FIRE, ICE, BREATH, COMMUNITY — The Four Pillars of MND MTR were developed as a direct result of my own experience with each of them. Each one plays an integral role in my continued development. We all face our own battles in life - EVERY single one of us - and life can be very difficult. While each one of these Pillars provides great physical benefits, the true joy comes from the deeper fruits found in each of them. As we surrender to the experience and open ourselves to the possibilities, we find incredible opportunities for connection and healing.

FIRE - I’ve curated this modality in the form of Movement (i.e. yoga, exercise) and  Sauna sessions. The primary goal is to stimulate blood flow and ACTIVATE energetic flow throughout the body. As our physical bodies heat up, so does the energy within us. It is during this process that we can bring to the surface any thoughts, emotions, feelings which have been set to the side and move through them in an active way. Breathing plays a vital role during Yoga, Sauna, and any Fire Activation because it aids us in maintaining physical equilibrium as these thoughts and emotions flow through us.

ICE - This modality takes the form of Cold Exposure via Cold Plunging in my workshops and events. The Ice provides an opportunity for us to sit with our thoughts and emotions - (we literally have to sit still) - and bring awareness to them. The Plunge is a MIRROR — it will show us how we react to stress and bring things to the surface for us to either address internally or ignore. We transition from an active form of processing (“Fire”) to a passive form where we are required to sit and breathe through it (“Ice”). Breathing is essential during this phase as our nervous system fights through an initial sympathetic (“fight or flight”) response. As we breathe through the discomfort, we settle into a blissful parasympathetic (“rest & digest”) space where we can consciously process our internal workings.

BREATH - As mentioned above, Breath finds itself at the core of many of these experiences. Our breath guides us through the difficult environments and calms our nervous systems. Breathwork taken by itself can be a beautiful form of “Fire” to activate energy and recirculate oxygen-rich blood throughout our bodies (i.e. Wim Hof breathing). Much like a muscle, our breath is something we need to train and consistently work. As we strengthen it, our ability to push through difficult external circumstances improves as well.

COMMUNITY - The most profound moments in my journey have always taken place in the presence of a supportive and loving community. While individual self-exploration maintains importance, true healing occurs when you open and share your heart with others in a safe space; when you have the opportunity to be SEEN by others. Thus, my workshops and events are designed to encourage sharing, connection, and openness among those present.

So, why is it called MND MTR Wellness … and what does that even mean? Well - as you may have deduced from my explanation of the Four Pillars, my primary concern is not with physical recovery (although this is still very important to me) …  but rather the Mind and the Spirit. I am focused on the Matter of YOUR MIND — helping you tap into your true potential and connect with yourself in a new way. I’m aiming for these practices and tools to carry over into your everyday life. We experience difficult situations, stress, heartache, and frustration constantly whether we are aware or not.  Yoga, Sauna, Ice Baths, and Breathwork Sessions allow us great healing opportunities — but even further they provide a training ground for us to prepare for real world circumstances.

MND MTR Wellness is an expression of my journey and all I’ve learned in my personal healing. It is a vessel to help you connect with yourself and with others. It is a means for you to further your physical, mental, and spiritual development.  My hope is for you to remain curious as you share in these experiences and uncover new depths inside of yourselves… they are yours alone to uncover.

Much Love,



Sauna: Sacred Sweat